Special Report Reveals How to Make Your Home Based Business Sound Like a Fortune 500 Company
Released on: March 4, 2008, 11:21 am
Press Release Author: Victoria Santiago, Your Telecom Advisor
Industry: Telecommunications
Press Release Summary: Owner of a Florida-based telecom consulting company offers free report to small business owners highlighting the benefits of Virtual Phone Systems.
Press Release Body: (PORT ST. LUCIE, FL) February 23, 2008 - It's easy for home based businesses in today's global economy to suffer from image issues. Unfortunately for budding entrepreneurs, consumers often equate bigger with better making it difficult for the average solo-preneur to compete with large corporations. However, it is not only possible for a small business owner to present a bigger, better, and more polished image, it is extremely affordable to do so. This can be done simply by exhibiting a more professional phone presence.
Victoria Santiago, founder of "Your Telecom Advisor", encourages her clients to study their current telephone image as if they were a potential client making contact for information about their company. "I have found that most home based business owners don't put much thought into the impression their callers receive when they dial their number," says Santiago. "On top of that, most hate being interrupted by their ringing telephone, and many feel tied to their desks when expecting an important call. These interruptions can wreak havoc on an already tight schedule, and who wants to sit around waiting for the phone to ring, which may or may not happen when you expect it to?"
For those business owners too busy to thoroughly assess their current image and or research new services that could improve their communications, Santiago offers Phone Image Makeovers. Through a series of consultations, she studies her clients' existing communication services and provides detailed feedback and recommendations for services.
In addition to her popular phone image makeovers, Santiago has prepared a special report entitled 'How to Sound Like A Fortune 500 Company Without Spending a Fortune' which is now available as a free download at her website: www.YourTelecomAdvisor.com. This report explains how implementing a VPBX (Virtual Private Branch eXchange) in your business can improve your image while increasing your efficiency.
For more information, visit http://www.YourTelecomAdvisor.com, call 1-800-377-7454 or email Santiago at victoria@YourTelecomAdvisor.com
Web Site: http://www.yourtelecomadvisor.com
Contact Details: 265 SW Port Saint Lucie Blvd #134 Port Saint Lucie, FL 34984 800-377-7454 Fax 772-408-8448 victoria@yourtelecomadvisor.com
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